Holiday survey

7   Number of Easter holiday trips, by main destination and different criteria. 2000. 1 000
  Total1 Domestic Outbound
1999 524 400 124
2000 404 291 113
Male 221 154 68
Female 183 137 46
16 - 24 74 55 19
25 - 44 184 132 52
45 - 66 112 75 37
67 - 79 33 29 5
Household income. 1 000 NOK      
-99 26 26 -
100 - 199 26 14 12
200 - 299 35 30 5
300 - 399 43 33 10
400 - 499 52 33 19
500 - 174 123 51
Not stated 48 31 17
Region of residence      
Akershus and Oslo 129 88 41
Hedmark and Oppland 25 16 9
Eastern Norway n.e.c. 56 38 19
Agder and Rogaland 61 35 26
Western Norway 58 47 11
Trøndelag 27 27 -
Northern Norway 47 40 7
Number of nights      
4 - 7 245 186 59
8 - 14 145 95 50
15 - 28 12 10 2
29 - 91 2 - 2
92 - 365 - - -
Main mode of transport      
Air 113 33 80
Sea 14 7 7
Land 274 248 27
Railway 11 11 -
Bus and coach 26 16 10
Private and hired vehicles 237 221 17
Other, land - - -
Not stated 2 2 -
Main type of accommodation      
Hotels and similar establishments 68 17 52
Camping sites 9 9 -
Other collective accommodation establishments 2 - 2
Rented private accommodation 36 24 12
Second homes 126 114 12
Other types of private accommodation 160 124 36
Not stated 2 2 -
1  Any difference between the total column and the other two columns is due to the destination not being stated.

Explanation of symbols