Holiday survey

1   Number of people on holiday by main destination in different population groups. 2001. Number in 1 000
  Total Domestic Outbound Both domestic and outbound
1999 2 551 940 905 706
2000 2 525 925 1 038 557
2001 2 568 889 1 047 632
Male 1 292 459 563 271
Female 1 276 430 485 361
16 - 24 348 93 172 83
25 - 44 1 048 350 420 278
45 - 66 882 299 358 225
67 - 79 291 147 98 46
Household income. 1 000 NOK        
-99 77 27 27 23
100 - 199 185 83 79 23
200 - 299 277 109 117 51
300 - 399 392 174 138 79
400 - 499 364 136 148 80
500 - 912 251 359 302
Not stated 362 109 179 74
Region of residence        
Akershus and Oslo 622 169 240 212
Hedmark and Oppland 202 76 77 49
Eastern Norway n.e.c. 490 158 224 108
Agder and Rogaland 346 135 137 73
Western Norway 441 184 164 93
Trøndelag 233 89 107 37
Northern Norway 235 77 98 61

Explanation of symbols