Statistics Norway

Holiday survey

5   Number of nights spent on holiday, by main destination and average number of nights spent on holiday per person and per trip by different criteria. 2003
  Number of nights Average number of nights on holiday trip per person Average number of nights spent per holiday trip
  Total Domestic Outbound Among all Among people with holiday trips
  1 000
1999 52 609 28 047 24 562 15.6 20.6 10.3
2000 50 968 24 004 26 890 15.1 20.2 10.0
2001 52 522 23 823 28 699 15.7 20.5 10.4
2002 50 528 22 947 27 581 15.0 20.1 9.4
2003 55 691 26 072 29 619 16.4 21.1 9.8
Males 25 385 11 469 13 916 14.9 19.7 9.5
Females 30 306 14 603 15 703 17.9 22.4 10.1
16 - 24 7 632 2 349 5 283 15.5 19.0 9.8
25 - 44 22 203 10 238 11 964 16.8 20.9 9.3
45 - 66 17 487 8 616 8 872 15.7 19.6 9.2
67 - 79 8 369 4 869 3 500 18.1 30.3 14.3
Household income. NOK 1 000            
    -  99 2 457  979 1 478 17.6 24.0 11.0
100 - 199 2 783 1 069 1 714 10.2 18.6 9.8
200 - 299 6 669 2 979 3 689 16.2 24.0 11.8
300 - 399 5 593 3 469 2 124 13.6 19.2 10.6
400 - 499 7 034 4 117 2 917 17.2 21.6 9.7
500 - 25 918 11 553 14 366 19.3 21.1 9.1
Not stated 5 237 1 906 3 331 13.3 19.6 10.8
Region of residence            
Akershus and Oslo 15 882 6 938 8 944 21.2 24.5 9.7
Hedmark and Oppland 2 808 1 380 1 429 10.4 15.6 8.3
Eastern Norway n.e.c. 8 639 3 435 5 204 14.8 20.1 9.7
Agder and Rogaland 8 321 3 525 4 795 17.0 22.4 10.1
Western Norway 10 383 4 850 5 533 16.6 19.8 10.3
Trøndelag 4 042 2 136 1 905 12.7 18.1 9.4
Northern Norway 5 617 3 808 1 809 15.8 21.4 10.5
Nights spent on holiday in total            
4 - 7 18 561 11 089 7 472 5.6 5.6 5.4
8 - 14 17 396 6 979 10 417 11.7 11.7 11.4
15 - 28 10 215 3 925 6 290 21.2 21.2 20.0
29 - 91 6 542 2 444 4 098 42.2 42.2 41.3
92 - 365 2 977 1 635 1 342  139.0  139.0  144.8

Explanation of symbols