Statistics Norway

Holiday survey

7   Number of holiday trips, by main destination and different criteria. Summer 2003. 1 000
  Total Domestic Outbound
Summer 2000 2782 1550 1224
Summer 2001 2912 1603 1310
Summer 2002 3 083 1 589 1 494
Summer 2003 3 190 1 728 1 462
Males 1 518  780  738
Females 1 672  948  724
16 - 24  449  183  266
25 - 44 1 330  719  611
45 - 66 1 137  616  520
67 - 79  275  209 66
Household income. 1 000 NOK      
    -  99  101 48 53
100 - 199  166 73 93
200 - 299  319  194  125
300 - 399  323  218  106
400 - 499  400  247  152
500 - 1 619  804  815
Not stated  263  144  119
Region of residence      
Akershus and Oslo  855  457  399
Hedmark and Oppland  228  142 86
Eastern Norway n.e.c.  474  236  238
Agder and Rogaland  463  222  241
Western Norway  598  321  276
Trøndelag  242  129  113
Northern Norway  331  221  110
Number of nights      
4-7 1 791 1 110  681
8-14  913  381  532
15-28  376  176  200
29-91  108 58 50
92-365 3 3 -
Main mode of transport      
Air  992  166  826
Sea  200 91  109
Land 1993 1468 525
Railway 98 78 20
Bus and coach  118 76 42
Private and hired vehicles 1 759 1 306  453
Other, land 18 8 10
Not stated 5 3 2
Main type of accommodation      
Hotels and similar establishments  966  143  823
Camping sites  367  210  157
Holiday dwellings  236  195 41
Other collective accommodation establishments n.e.c. 50 23 27
Specialised tourist accommodation 52 37 15
Rented private accommodation  198 53  144
Second homes  381  345 36
Other types of private accommodation  941  721  220
Not stated - - -

Explanation of symbols