Statistics Norway

1 Number of people on holiday by main destination in different population groups. 2004. 1 000 (Corrected 25 June 2008)
  Total Domestic Outbound Both domestic and outbound
1999 2 551  940  905  706
2000 2 525  925 1 038  557
2001 2 568  889 1 047  632
2002 2 527  759 1 075  692
2003 2 639  889 1 040  709
2004 2 605  767 1 053  784
Male 1 230  384  496  350
Female 1 376  383  558  435
16 - 24  369 90  163  115
25 - 44 1 070  317  448  306
45 - 64  874  262  353  259
65 - 79  292 98 89  105
Household income. 1 000 NOK        
    -  99 84 18 35 31
100 - 199  139 58 49 33
200 - 299  269 58  137 74
300 - 399  309 99  119 91
400 - 499  260 90 91 79
500 - 1 265  362  502  400
Not stated  279 83  120 77
Region of residence        
Akershus and Oslo  653  110  290  252
Hedmark and Oppland  208 40  104 63
Eastern Norway n.e.c.  471  150  204  117
Agder and Rogaland  369  107  162  100
Western Norway  428  180  136  112
Trøndelag  234 81 76 77
Northern Norway  242 99 81 63

Explanation of symbols