Statistics Norway

2 Number of holiday trips by main destination and different criteria. 2004. 1 000 (Corrected 25 June 2008)
  Total Domestic Outbound
1999 5 298 3 026 2 271
2000 5 104 2 702 2 394
2001 5 046 2 698 2 348
2002 5 406 2 777 2 629
2003 5 655 3 066 2 588
2004 6 006 3 046 2 960
Male 2 679 1 384 1 295
Female 3 327 1 662 1 665
16 - 24  778  363  415
25 - 44 2 371 1 177 1 194
45 - 64 2 102 1 080 1 023
65 - 79  755  427  328
Household income. 1 000 NOK      
    -  99  193 98 95
100 - 199  301  165  136
200 - 299  512  193  318
300 - 399  655  344  312
400 - 499  637  338  299
500 - 3 095 1 604 1 491
Not stated  614  305  309
Region of residence      
Akershus and Oslo 1 767  827  940
Hedmark and Oppland  427  169  258
Eastern Norway n.e.c. 1 031  513  518
Agder and Rogaland  814  383  430
Western Norway  902  504  398
Trøndelag  558  326  232
Northern Norway  508  324  184
Number of nights      
4-7 3 669 2 111 1 558
8-14 1 616  680  935
15-28  549  205  344
29-91  161 48  112
92-365 12 2 9
Main mode of transport      
Air 2 502  425 2 077
Sea  300  119  180
Land 3 172 2 482  690
Railway  176  151 25
Bus and coach  227  122  105
Private and hired vehicles 2 764 2 204  560
Other, land 5 5 -
Not stated 33 20 13
Main type of accommodation      
Hotels and similar establishments 2 118  348 1 770
Camping sites  343  228  116
Holiday dwellings  626  569 57
Other collective accommodation establishments n.e.c. 85 38 47
Specialised tourist accommodation  136 78 58
Rented private accommodation  231 72  159
Second homes  560  456  104
Other types of private accommodation 1 904 1 257  647
Not stated 2 - 2

Explanation of symbols