1   Financial institutions. Balance sheet by financial instruments. 31. December 1999. Billion kroner
  Total The Central Bank of Norway Commercial banks and saving banks1 State lending institutions Finance and mortgage companies2 Life- insurance companies Non-life insurance companies
Gold, SDR's and reserve positions in the IMF 10 400 10 400 - - - - -
Notes and coin 5 144 22 5 116 2 2 0 2
Deposits 136 555 40 044 73 675 4 091 3 415 7 376 7 954
Securities3 867 914 358 845 125 854 4 645 25 632 298 073 54 865
Certificates, commercial papers and treasury bills 63 957 2 358 41 316 1 594 849 12 321 5 519
Bonds 521 901 263 347 54 583 676 23 924 157 667 21 704
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 277 673 93 140 29 955 2 374 858 125 179 26 167
Other assets 4 380 - - - - 2 905 1 475
Loans utilized4 1 423 817 74 843 952 046 191 493 178 122 25 948 1 365
Gross loans 1 432 075 74 844 958 568 191 990 179 278 25 966 1 429
Specified provisions on loans -8 258 -1 -6 522 -498 -1 156 -17 -64
Unspecified provisions on loans -8 206 - -7 318 -111 -762 -9 -6
Other financial assets 100 516 18 650 37 686 6 137 5 577 8 847 23 619
Other assets 48 885 2 010 10 561 138 656 26 378 9 142
Machinery, fixtures and means of transport 4 973 133 3 360 39 178 390 873
Buildings and other real property 37 568 1 877 6 378 91 145 25 975 3 102
Repossessed assets 374 - 291 7 76 - -
Intangible assets etc. 5 970 - 534 - 256 13 5 167
$Total assets 2 585 024 504 814 1 197 621 206 393 212 642 366 613 96 941
@Equity and liabilities/net revenue              
Liabilities 2 374 031 445 390 1 108 533 199 655 196 203 353 472 70 778
Notes and coin in circulation 48 022 48 022 - - - - -
Deposits 1 114 536 316 368 798 168 - - - -
Bank certificates 85 535 - 59 494 3 765 22 276 - -
Loans on bonds 291 701 - 168 070 28 652 88 363 6 547 69
Insurace liabilities/Technical reserves 366 496 .. .. .. .. 305 355 61 141
Revaluation account 27 102 .. .. .. .. 27 102 -
Other loans 353 447 66 364 43 466 162 602 78 743 2 263 9
Other liabilities 87 191 14 636 39 335 4 636 6 820 12 205 9 559
Equity 195 313 59 359 77 878 6 740 14 307 13 018 24 011
Share capital / Primary capital certificates 44 352 - 24 732 3 424 7 662 4 632 3 902
Other equity 150 962 59 359 53 146 3 317 6 645 8 386 20 109
Net revenues 15 676 65 11 209 -2 2 132 122 2 150
$Total equity and liabilities 2 585 024 504 814 1 197 621 206 393 212 642 366 613 96 941
Utilized loans to the public 1 188 128 566 819 535 189 652 152 076 25 063 1 236
Of which: loans with mortgage on dwelling 528 383 508 435 840 71 128 7 348 12 788 771
Deposits from the public 586 378 110 586 268 - - - -
Claims on foreign debtors 785 070 465 025 102 094 1 415 35 819 140 430 40 287
Of which: International reserves 167 219 167 219 .. .. .. .. ..
Government Petroleum Fund Investment 222 278 222 278 .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 443 411 78 501 252 905 - 85 061 18 228 8 716
Foreign own share capital 3 806 - 2 695 - 421 51 639
Foreign own share capital in percentage of total shares .. - 10,9 - 5,5 1,1 16,4
1  Commercial banks incl. The postal bank and saving banks.
2  Finance companies and Mortgage companies.
3  Including both long-term and short-term securities.
4  Including leasing and factoring.
Source: The Central Bank of Norway.

Explanation of symbols