2   Financial institutions. Balance sheet by financial instruments. 31. December 1998. Billion kroner.
  Total The Central Bank of Norway Commercial banks and saving banks1 State lending institutions Finance and mortgage companies2 Life- insurance companies Non-life insurance companies
Gold, SDR's and reserve positions in the IMF 12 676 12 676 - - - - -
Notes and coin 4 418 17 4 396 1 2 0 2
Deposits 77 045 7 982 47 371 3 365 1 866 9 803 6 658
Securities3 738 516 292 477 122 210 8 397 25 247 234 466 55 719
Certificates, commercial papers and treasury bills 57 814 3 156 28 792 1 715 2 438 17 103 4 610
Bonds 490 430 225 051 69 365 4 307 22 170 141 594 27 943
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 187 244 64 271 24 052 2 376 639 73 876 22 030
Other assets 3 031 - - - - 1 894 1 137
Loans utilized4 1 289 965 41 488 872 874 186 767 156 299 29 047 3 490
Gross loans 1 298 445 41 543 879 745 187 124 157 369 29 068 3 596
Specified provisions on loans -8 482 -56 -6 871 -358 -1 070 -21 -106
Unspecified provisions on loans -7 648 - -6 791 -152 -631 -11 -63
Other financial assets 76 429 8 476 32 466 7 906 4 665 11 910 11 006
Other assets 38 883 2 064 10 422 133 355 22 178 3 731
Machinery, fixtures and means of transport 4 699 120 3 268 33 154 340 784
Buildings and other real property 33 591 1 944 6 638 91 160 21 820 2 938
Repossessed assets 365 - 320 9 35 - 1
Intangible assets etc. 229 - 197 - 6 18 8
$Total assets 2 230 280 365 179 1 082 948 206 416 187 803 307 392 80 542
@Equity and liabilities/net revenue              
Liabilities 2 051 812 305 820 1 009 960 197 909 174 799 296 677 66 647
Notes and coin in circulation 46 070 46 070 - - - - -
Deposits 951 061 233 686 717 375 - 0 - -
Bank certificates 79 474 - 50 153 15 195 14 126 - -
Loans on bonds 277 230 - 169 916 20 161 81 946 5 138 69
Insurace liabilities/Technical reserves 338 185 .. .. .. .. 278 606 59 579
Revaluation account 0 .. .. .. .. - ..
Other loans 280 415 21 274 28 056 157 716 71 899 1 432 38
Other liabilities 79 375 4 789 44 460 4 836 6 828 11 501 6 961
Equity 178 391 59 359 72 988 8 507 13 004 10 729 13 804
Share capital / Primary capital certificates 46 319 - 26 162 5 114 6 824 4 212 4 007
Other equity 132 074 59 359 46 826 3 394 6 180 6 518 9 797
Net revenues 76 - - - - -15 91
$Total equity and liabilities 2 230 280 365 179 1 082 948 206 416 187 803 307 392 80 542
Utilized loans to the public 1 102 198 532 749 257 179 963 140 919 28 253 3 274
Of which: loans with mortgage on dwelling 489 501 471 391 336 67 438 12 852 14 638 2 766
Deposits from the public 527 599 117 527 482 - - - -
Claims on foreign debtors 577 862 333 192 92 039 1 334 31 419 98 101 21 777
Of which: International reserves 142 045 142 045 .. .. .. .. ..
Government Petroleum Fund Investment 167 644 167 644 .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 345 534 24 549 225 594 1 390 74 419 11 150 8 432
Foreign own share capital 5 995 - 4 807 - 318 90 780
Foreign own share capital in percentage of total shares .. - 18,4 - 4,7 2,1 19,5
1  Commercial banks incl. The postal bank and saving banks.
2  Finance companies and Mortgage companies.
3  Including both long-term and short-term securities.
4  Including leasing and factoring.
Source: The Central Bank of Norway.

Explanation of symbols