Statistisk sentralbyrå

1   Financial institutions. Balance sheet by financial instruments. 30. June 2000. Billion kroner
  Total The Central Bank of Norway* Commercial banks and saving banks1 State lending institutions Finance and mortage companies2 Life-insurance companies Non-life insurance companies
Gold, SDR's and reserve positions in the IMF 10 452 10 452 - - - - -
Notes and coin 4 578 35 4 538 1 2   2
Deposits 125 718 12 904 88 128 2 631 6 920 8 978 6 157
Securities3 991 056 452 868 121 415 2 391 38 652 306 195 69 535
Certificates, commercial papers and treasury bills 56 367 10 267 26 194 - 4 891 10 714 4 301
Bonds 611 820 330 657 63 304 - 32 836 157 928 27 095
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 307 873 111 944 31 917 2 390 924 135 994 24 704
Other assets 14 994 - - - - 1 559 13 435
Loans utilized4 1 527 650 85 112 1 024 990 166 031 225 373 24 778 1 366
Gross loans 1 535 694 85 113 1 031 447 166 517 226 445 24 793 1 379
Specified provisions on loans -8 046 -1 -6 457 -486 -1 073 -16 -13
Unspecified provisions on loans -8 513 - -7 428 -144 -922 -12 -7
Other financial assets 100 748 21 019 46 485 4 797 3 915 9 679 14 853
Other assets 51 751 1 984 10 455 118 681 29 476 9 037
Machinery, fixtures and means of transport 5 094 147 3 493 39 214 318 883
Buildings and other real property 40 615 1 837 6 293 73 142 29 146 3 124
Repossesed assets 383 - 293 6 84 - -
Intangible assets etc. 5 659 - 376 - 241 12 5 030
Total assets 2 803 437 584 374 1 288 583 175 825 274 619 379 093 100 943
Equity and liabilities/net revenue              
Liabilities 2 610 545 546 425 1 197 317 170 518 257 015 364 786 74 484
Notes and coin in circulation 43 936 43 936 - - - - -
Deposits 1 239 037 378 841 860 196 - - - -
Bank certificates 95 104 - 66 040 - 29 064 - -
Loans on bonds 317 643 - 187 368 79 124 330 5 797 69
Insurance liabilities/Technical reserves 389 545 .. .. .. .. 324 618 64 927
Revaluation account 19 437 .. .. .. .. 19 437 -
Other loans 359 555 74 472 21 694 165 569 95 424 2 388 8
Other liabilities 146 287 49 176 62 019 4 870 8 196 12 546 9 480
Equity 176 622 31 096 84 087 5 348 16 537 13 273 26 281
Share capital /Primary capital certificates 44 375 - 24 274 2 108 9 146 4 627 4 220
Other equity 132 247 31 096 59 813 3 240 7 391 8 646 22 061
Net revenues 16 271 6 854 7 181 -41 1 069 1 032 176
Total equity and liabilities 2 803 435 584 374 1 288 583 175 825 274 619 379 091 100 943
Utilized loans to the public 1 270 772 583 886 541 164 186 194 379 23 861 1 222
Of which              
Loans with mortgage on dwelling 560 971 520 467 281 72 676 7 802 12 022 670
Deposits from the public 627 139 146 626 993 - - - -
Claims on foreign debtors 942 159 567 585 131 320 1 475 43 973 155 603 42 203
Of which              
International reserves 191 086 191 086 .. .. .. .. ..
Government Petroleum Fund Investment 304 501 304 501 .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 541 909 100 272 308 331 - 109 494 14 458 9 354
Foreign own share capital 3 540 - 2 218 - 420 51 851
Foreign own share capital in percentage of total shares .. - 9,1 - 4,6 1,1 20,2
1  Commercial banks incl. The postal bank and saving banks.
2  Finance companies and Mortage companies.
3  Including both long-term and short-term securities.
4  Including leasing and factoring.
Source: The Central Bank of Norway.

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