Financial institutions

1   Financial institutions. Balance sheet, by financial instruments. 30 September 2000. Million kroner
  Total The Central Bank of Norway* Commercial banks and saving banks*1 State lending institutions* Finance and mortage companies*2 Life insurance companies* Non-life insurance companies*
Gold, SDR's and reserve positions in the IMF 10 675 10 675 - - - - -
Notes and coin 4 304 29 4 269 2 2 0 2
Deposits 148 004 31 139 90 271 2 600 9 654 7 828 6 512
Securities3 1 050 620 490 952 125 867 2 391 47 022 314 082 70 306
Certificates, commercial papers and treasury bills 53 286 2 975 17 827 - 13 686 14 515 4 283
Bonds 654 260 361 723 70 931 - 32 338 160 745 28 523
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 328 727 126 254 37 109 2 390 997 137 843 24 134
Other assets 14 345 - - - - 979 13 366
Loan utilized4 1 640 437 127 783 1 089 529 168 556 228 858 24 414 1 297
Gross loans 1 648 513 127 784 1 095 998 169 042 229 953 24 426 1 310
Specified provisions on loans -8 078 -1 -6 469 -486 -1 096 -13 -13
Unspecified provisions on loans -8 682 - -7 571 -144 -949 -11 -7
Other financial assets 127 914 42 467 52 458 5 989 2 428 9 897 14 675
Other assets 51 620 1 960 10 420 116 688 29 613 8 823
Machinery, fixtures and means of transport 5 081 142 3 488 38 215 418 780
Buildings and other real property 40 600 1 818 6 306 73 141 29 184 3 078
Repossesed assets 374 - 275 5 94 - -
Intangible assets etc. 5 565 - 351 - 238 11 4 965
Total assets 3 024 892 705 006 1 365 244 179 510 287 702 385 822 101 608
Equity and liabilities/net revenue              
Liabilities 2 822 642 663 313 1 270 697 174 072 269 646 370 930 73 984
Notes and coin in circulation 42 390 42 390 - - - - -
Deposits 1 317 953 424 077 893 876 - - - -
Bank certificates 116 229 - 82 897 - 33 332 - -
Loans on bonds 328 320 - 204 282 61 118 081 5 896 -
Insurance liabilities/Technical reserves 397 038 .. .. .. .. 331 957 65 081
Revaluation account 17 394 .. .. .. .. 17 394 -
Other loans 433 524 130 336 22 533 168 212 109 946 2 489 8
Other liabilities 169 793 66 510 67 109 5 799 8 286 13 194 8 895
Equity 176 788 31 096 84 301 5 350 16 500 13 352 26 189
Share capital/Primary capital certificates 44 551 - 24 300 2 108 9 146 4 707 4 290
Other equity 132 237 31 096 60 001 3 242 7 354 8 645 21 899
Net revenues 25 461 10 597 10 246 88 1 557 1 540 1 433
Total equity and liabilities 3 024 892 705 006 1 365 244 179 510 287 702 385 822 101 608
Utilized loans to the public 1 314 835 585 924 547 166 698 198 346 23 472 1 187
Of which: loans with mortgage on dwelling 573 220 524 480 033 72 498 7 862 11 678 625
Deposits from the public 634 685 119 634 566 - - - -
Claims on foreign debtors 1 053 722 666 686 126 283 1 493 49 913 164 398 44 949
Of which: International reserves 230 258 230 258 .. .. .. .. ..
Government Petroleum Fund Investment 356 736 356 736 .. .. .. .. ..
Debt to foreign creditors 629 966 151 950 334 959 - 118 100 15 165 9 792
Foreign own share capital 3 868 - 2 584 - 381 51 852
Innlån fra utlandet 416 270 128 391 164 345 - 116 019 7 508 7
Foreign own share capital in percentage of total shares .. - 10,6 - 4,2 1,1 19,9
1  Commercial banks incl. The postal bank and saving banks.
2  Finance companies and Mortage companies.
3  Including both long-term and short-term securities.
4  Including leasing and factoring.
Source: Source: The Central Bank of Norway.

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