Financial institutions

2   Financial institutions. Balance sheet by financial instruments. 30. September 1999. Million kroner
  Total The Central Bank of Norway Commercial banks and saving banks1 State lending institutions Finance and mortage companies2 Life-insurance companies Non-life insurance companies
Gold, SDR's and reserve positions in the IMF 9 637 9 637 - - - - -
Notes and coin 4 125 23 4 096 1 3 0 2
Deposits 93 152 9 623 64 379 3 174 4 794 5 027 6 155
Securities3 813 296 319 846 121 939 3 910 36 831 271 798 58 972
Certificates, commercial papers and treasury bills 65 677 2 616 31 700 494 8 705 16 673 5 489
Bonds 515 298 247 842 56 770 1 042 27 536 155 209 26 899
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 228 416 69 388 33 469 2 374 591 97 201 25 393
Other assets 3 906 - - - - 2 715 1 191
Loans utilized4 1 389 692 61 691 943 906 190 594 163 020 27 146 3 335
Gross loans 1 398 124 61 747 950 580 191 091 164 091 27 171 3 444
Specified provisions on loans -8 432 -56 -6 674 -498 -1 070 -25 -109
Unspecified provisions on loans -7 986 - -7 110 -115 -686 -13 -62
Other financial assets 100 596 17 462 46 672 9 634 5 569 10 128 11 131
Other assets 42 815 2 000 10 131 138 598 25 839 4 109
Machinery, fixtures and means of transport 4 756 114 3 197 38 156 386 865
Buildings and other real property 37 064 1 886 6 306 93 144 25 436 3 199
Repossesed assets 379 - 316 7 56 - -
Intangible assets etc. 616 - 312 - 242 17 45
Total assets 2 445 324 420 282 1 184 012 207 335 210 129 339 924 83 642
Equity and liabilities/net revenue              
Liabilities 2 241 582 362 485 1 092 214 198 584 194 177 326 909 67 213
Notes and coin in circulation 42 233 42 233 - - - - -
Deposits 1 017 979 246 618 771 361 - - - -
Bank certificates 98 068 - 59 737 4 356 33 975 - -
Loans on bonds 286 887 - 167 375 27 148 86 932 5 363 69
Insurance liabilities/Technical reserves 360 012 .. .. .. .. 298 368 61 644
Revaluation account 9 265 .. .. .. .. 9 265 ..
Other loans 312 886 58 613 24 202 161 752 66 066 2 208 45
Other liabilities 114 252 15 020 69 539 5 329 7 204 11 705 5 455
Equity 190 136 59 359 81 724 8 559 14 066 11 570 14 858
Share capital/Primary capital certificates 46 098 - 26 230 5 114 7 497 3 242 4 015
Other equity 144 038 59 359 55 494 3 446 6 569 8 328 10 842
Net revenues 13 604 -1 562 10 075 191 1 886 1 444 1 570
Total equity and liablilities 2 445 324 420 282 1 184 012 207 335 210 129 339 924 83 642
Utilized loans to the public 1 159 995 579 804 387 186 193 139 319 26 304 3 213
Of which: loans with mortgage on dwelling 514 353 510 421 056 69 532 7 272 13 358 2 625
Deposits from the public 561 299 117 561 182 - - - -
Claims on foreign debtors 698 992 400 790 109 158 1 369 42 488 119 603 25 584
Of which: International reserves 138 246 138 246 .. .. .. .. ..
Government Petroleum Fund Investment 194 285 194 285 .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 426 823 69 050 243 795 - 92 209 13 333 8 436
Foreign own share capital 5 557 - 4 194 - 493 90 780
Innlån fra utlandet 266 855 57 025 113 426 - 90 252 6 076 76
Foreign own share capital in percentage of total shares .. - 16,0 - 6,6 2,8 19,4
1  Commercial banks incl. The postal bank and saving banks.
2  Finance companies and Mortage companies.
3  Including both long-term and short-term securities.
4  Including leasing and factoring.
Source: Source: The Central Bank of Norway.

Explanation of symbols