
3   Catch, by disposition. 1998-2002. 1 000 tonnes live weight
  1998 1999 2000* 2001* 2002*
Total 2 861 2 630 2 701 2 686 2 731
Fresh  462  238  176  183  213
Frozen, minced, roe1  776 1 091 1 179 1 119 1 046
Dried 26 24 27 25 32
Salted etc2  284  253  210  213  238
Canned 5 5 5 4 4
Meal, oil, animal feed 1 307 1 019 1 103 1 142 1 197
Bait and other dispositions3 1 1 1 0 0
1  Included shelled prawns.
2  Klipfish included.
3  Included basking shark for oil production.

Explanation of symbols