Statistics Norway


2 Value of catch, by the most important fish species. 2002-2006. NOK million
  2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Total 11 165 8 883 10 395 11 656 11 675
Capelin  641  262 47 93 4
Greenland halibut  185  211  325  322  282
Tusk  154 98 83 88  122
Atlantic cod 2 868 2 339 2 784 2 985 3 305
Ling  203  151  174  177  227
Haddock  553  413  455  525  776
Saithe  936  802  838 1 102 1 395
Norway pout 27 10 6 0 20
Blue whiting  552  722  764  532  773
Catfish 23 29 34 31 37
Sandeel  163 24 44 14 7
Atlantic redfish  110  101  115  125  159
Angler 84 78 93 87  133
Horse mackerel 98 41 40  111  115
Herring 2 039 1 408 2 015 2 867 2 246
Sprat 12 15 7 9 22
Mackerel 1 363 1 007 1 329 1 495  976
Other fish species1  321  365  404  415  458
Deep water prawn  835  809  838  679  617
1  Included crustaceans and other molluscs.

Explanation of symbols