Statistisk sentralbyrå

1   Tuition periods by institution and level. 2001
Institution Tuition periods total Upper secondary level University and college level Not specified
Tuition periods total 5 071 907 2 758 437 1 785 972 527 498
NSM BI – Centre for Financial Service Studies 434 160 - 434 160 -
Biblia Distance Education 6 707 - - 6 707
FB Distance Education 1 124 202 1 001 702 59 500 63 000
Kristen Brevskole 6 300 1 400 - 4 900
The Aviation School of Norway 74 587 - 5 862 68 725
The Agricultural Distance Education College 42 090 22 420 - 19 670
NKI Department of Distance Education 1 725 664 1 128 453 292 905 304 306
NKS Distance Education 1 421 263 454 326 929 897 37 040
The Norwegian Construction Industry College 22 492 22 492 - -
OPK Education Institute 75 082 73 352 - 1 730
PIL College 130 900 45 832 63 648 21 420
VVS Distance Education 8 460 8 460 - -

Standardtegn i tabeller