Education statistics. Distance education

1   Tuition periods, by institution and level. 2002
Institutions Tuition periods total Upper secondary level University and college level Not specified
Tuition periods, total 4 446 168 2 353 578 1 587 033  505 557
NSM BI Centre for Financial Service Studies  391 320 -  391 320 -
Biblia Distance Education 4 717  210 - 4 507
FB Distance Education  821 476  752 981 28 350 40 145
Christian Distance Education 3 500  140 - 3 360
The Aviation School of Norway 87 665 - 3 040 84 625
The Agricultural Distance Education College 26 865 13 760 - 13 105
NKI Department of Distance Education 1 653 677 1 047 800  278 065  327 812
NKS Distance Education 1 052 999  327 357  702 972 22 670
The Norwegian Construction Industry College 12 053 12 053 - -
OPK Education Institute  117 828  116 703 - 1 125
PIL College  146 318 82 574 55 536 8 208
Norwegian NetSchool  127 750 -  127 750 -

Explanation of symbols