Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Distance education

1   Tuition periods, by institution and level. 2003
Institution Tuition periods total Upper secondary level University and college level Not specified
Tuition periods, total 3 292 509 1 407 171 1 439 237  446 101
NSM BI Centre for Financial Service Studies  292 363 -  292 363 -
Biblia Distance Education 6 702 3 320 3 067  315
FB Distance Education  134 556  116 620 10 150 7 786
Christian Distance Education 6 720 1 260 - 5 460
The Aviation School of Norway 91 797 - 3 517 88 280
The Agricultural Distance Education College 36 080 19 970 - 16 110
NKI Department of Distance Education 1 449 333  833 896  306 746  308 691
NKS Distance Education  863 039  232 483  612 906 17 650
The Norwegian Construction Industry College 10 438 10 298  140 -
OPK Education Institute  115 399  114 304 - 1 095
PIL College  171 597 75 020 95 863  714
Norwegian NetSchool  114 485 -  114 485 -

Explanation of symbols