Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Distance education

3   Course completions, by age and sex of the participant and subjects. 2003
Subject/sex Total 14-29 years 30-49 years 50 years or above Not specified
Both sexes, total 20 393 4 882 12 602 2 261  648
Language studies  419  163  215 34 7
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft  885  280  520 78 7
Humanities, philosophy and ethics  338 69  156  110 3
Social sciences 4 732 1 050 2 926  567  189
Organization and management 2 760  570 1 826  245  119
Business and ICT 3 020  599 2 057  290 74
Health, social and sports 1 640  546 1 003 76 15
Transport and communication 3 491  948 2 026  482 35
Science, industry and technical subjects 1 687  436  937  133  181
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation  182 53 98 30 1
Goods and services 1 239  168  838  216 17
Males, total 10 135 2 174 6 308 1 273  380
Language studies  221 62  132 25 2
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 77 16 48 12 1
Humanities, philosophy and ethics 87 18 47 22 -
Social sciences 1 520  235  972  230 83
Organization and management 1 730  352 1 148  169 61
Business and ICT 1 043  200  698  119 26
Health, social and sports  137 40 92 4 1
Transport and communication 3 135  845 1 817  441 32
Science, industry and technical subjects 1 362  306  789  105  162
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation  102 17 61 24 -
Goods and services  721 83  504  122 12
Females, total 10 258 2 708 6 294  988  268
Language studies  198  101 83 9 5
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft  808  264  472 66 6
Humanities, philosophy and ethics  251 51  109 88 3
Social sciences 3 212  815 1 954  337  106
Organization and management 1 030  218  678 76 58
Business and ICT 1 977  399 1 359  171 48
Health, social and sports 1 503  506  911 72 14
Transport and communication  356  103  209 41 3
Science, industry and technical subjects  325  130  148 28 19
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 80 36 37 6 1
Goods and services  518 85  334 94 5

Explanation of symbols