Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Distance education

2 Course completions, by independent distance teaching institution and sex. 2008
Institution Course completions total Males Females
2008, total 20 152 9 117 11 035
Norwegian School of Management BI - Banking and Finance  812  271  541
Folkeuniversitetet Netstudies  321 57  264
Christian Distance Education 24 16 8
The Aviation School of Norway 1 867 1 762  105
The Agricultural Distance Education College 55 38 17
NKI Distance Education 12 917 5 895 7 022
NKS Online learning 2 550  465 2 085
The Norwegian Construction Industry College  110  104 6
OPK Education Institute  515 9  506
Industriskolen  448  369 79
Rembra  107 67 40
Norwegian Net School  426 64  362

Explanation of symbols