Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Distance education

3 Course completions, by age and sex of the participant and subjects. 2008
Subject/sex Total 14-29 years 30-49 years 50 years and above Not specified
Both sexes, total 20 152 6 183 11 198 2 302  469
Language studies  410  148  192 56 14
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft  685  251  381 53 -
Humanities, philosophy and ethics  124 59 38 20 7
Social sciences 4 874 1 676 2 559  529  110
Organization and management 2 689  539 1 785  262  103
Business and ICT 3 680  983 2 244  362 91
Health, social and sports 1 504  665  660 98 81
Transport and communication 3 468 1 338 1 789  322 19
Science, industry and technical subjects 1 647  359  921  344 23
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 30 10 17 3 -
Goods and services 1 041  155  612  253 21
Males, total 9 117 2 425 5 245 1 348 99
Language studies  211 39  122 43 7
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 21 5 12 4 -
Humanities, philosophy and ethics 50 20 19 5 6
Social sciences 1 184  330  658  171 25
Organization and management 1 326  213  939  155 19
Business and ICT  876  226  529  119 2
Health, social and sports 92 37 46 9 -
Transport and communication 3 208 1 240 1 653  297 18
Science, industry and technical subjects 1 349  254  754  329 12
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 25 9 15 1 -
Goods and services  775 52  498  215 10
Females, total 11 035 3 758 5 953  954  370
Language studies  199  109 70 13 7
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft  664  246  369 49 -
Humanities, philosophy and ethics 74 39 19 15 1
Social sciences 3 690 1 346 1 901  358 85
Organization and management 1 363  326  846  107 84
Business and ICT 2 804  757 1 715  243 89
Health, social and sports 1 412  628  614 89 81
Transport and communication  260 98  136 25 1
Science, industry and technical subjects  298  105  167 15 11
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 5 1 2 2 -
Goods and services  266  103  114 38 11

Explanation of symbols