Statistics Norway


1   Different definitions of refugees1, by country background and refugee status. 1 January 2006
Country background Refugees Principal applicants
Total Principal applicants By family connection to refugee2 Unspecified refugee Resettlement refugees3 Asylum seekers5 Other refugees4
Total  117 231 88 891 28 340 6 733 18 723 52 978 10 457
Norway and the Nordic countries  151  121 30 81 1 35 4
Rest of Western Europe, except Turkey  309  180  129 83 6 84 7
Eastern Europe 29 435 26 174 3 261 1 095  929 13 763 10 387
North America, Oceania 89 58 31 29 1 26 2
Asia, Africa, South and Central America, Turkey 87 247 62 358 24 889 5 445 17 786 39 070 57
Selected countries              
Iraq 15 917 9 862 6 055 40 3 089 6 717 16
Somalia 12 958 8 675 4 283 78  180 8 405 12
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 006 11 215  791 28  152 1 567 9 468
Iran 11 107 9 235 1 872  206 4 441 4 585 3
Vietnam 10 672 8 224 2 448 3 595 3 764  864 1
Serbia and Montenegro 8 117 7 014 1 103 36  179 5 965  834
Sri Lanka 6 033 3 659 2 374  165 17 3 477 .
Afghanistan 5 766 4 134 1 632 26 1 348 2 748 12
Chile 4 465 3 579  886  682  140 2 757 .
Russia 3 405 3 094  311 46 63 2 979 6
Ethiopia 2 122 1 536  586 61  503  971 1
Croatia 1 776 1 541  235 11  271 1 197 62
Eritrea 1 669 1 379  290 63 64 1 252 .
Turkey 1 660  855  805 33 30  792 .
Pakistan 1 410  821  589 59 24  738 .
Poland 1 157  912  245  115  240  556 1
Macedonia 1 052  871  181 21 .  842 8
1  The definition "refugee" refers to persons resident in Norway, who have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in Norway to refugees are not included.
2  Residence or work permit granted to close family members of a foreign with legal residence in Norway. This also applies to family members of Norwegian citizens. Family reunification mainly applies to spouses and children under 18 years of age.
3  Refugees who are permitted to come to Norway following an organised selection, normally in conjunction with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In accordance with a proposal from the government, the parliament sets an annual quota for the number of resettlement refugees to be received by Norway.
4  The definition "other refugees" refers to refugees of war and earlier Yugoslavia- internated with families.
5  The definition "Asylum seekers" refers to asylum cases or residence on humanitarian grounds.

Explanation of symbols