Statistics Norway

1   Different definitions of refugees1, by country background and refugee status. 1 January 2007 (Corrected 18 September 2007 at 13:30 p.m.)
Country background Refugees Principal applicants
Total Principal applicants By family connection to refugee2 Unspecified refugee Resettlement refugees3 Asylum seekers5 Other refugees4
Total  125 149 94 863 30 286 6 626 19 942 58 086 10 209
Rest of Western Europe, except Turkey  357  207  150 81 8  110 8
Eastern Europe 30 788 27 672 3 116 1 077  957 15 485 10 153
North America, Oceania 91 59 32 29 2 25 3
Afrika 25 828 18 565 7 263  358 3 681 14 511 15
South and Central America 5 364 4 240 1 124  732  255 3 249 4
Asia med Tyrkia 62 721 44 120 18 601 4 349 15 039 24 706 26
Selected countries              
Iraq 16 806 10 516 6 290 41 3 107 7 355 13
Somalia 13 994 9 146 4 848 79  201 8 853 13
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 522 11 754  768 31  204 1 793 9 726
Iran 11 284 9 430 1 854  205 4 520 4 701 4
Vietnam 10 860 8 358 2 502 3 596 3 958  804 -
Serbia 7 968 7 089  879 25  139 6 629  296
Afghanistan 6 380 4 373 2 007 25 1 343 3 001 4
Sri Lanka 6 224 3 776 2 448  167 15 3 594 -
Chile 4 492 3 591  901  665  151 2 774 1
Russia 3 853 3 540  313 47 81 3 406 6
Ethiopia 2 260 1 602  658 58  501 1 043 -
Turkey 2 015 1 094  921 34 30 1 030 -
Eritrea 1 998 1 691  307 70 72 1 549 -
Croatia 1 892 1 679  213 13  258 1 325 83
Pakistan 1 553  899  654 60 30  809 -
Burma 1 345 1 210  135 - 1 141 69 -
Poland 1 192  920  272  117  246  556 1
Macedonia 1 134  911  223 26 1  872 12
Congo 1 092  968  124 6  718  244 -
Lebanon 1 023  763  260 20 21  722 -
Syria  908  583  325 - 59  524 -
Liberia  872  848 24 -  750 98 -
Burundi  806  751 55 -  375  376 -
Palestinian Territory  758  530  228 4 5  521 -
Sudan  675  555  120 1  260  294 -
Hungary  642  597 45  559 2 36 -
China  527  375  152 26 71  278 -
Ghana  427  174  253 10 13  151 -
Algeria  419  322 97 9 26  287 -
India  413  207  206 21 17  169 -
Rwanda  412  365 47 -  202  163 -
Morocco  328  147  181 33 -  113 1
Uganda  321  225 96 25 56  144 -
Colombia  318  287 31 2 58  226 1
Romania  315  202  113 12 12  178 -
Sierra Leone  290  252 38 1  143  108 -
Kenya  283  199 84 9 55  135 -
Czech Republic  276  252 24  197 - 55 -
Cambodia  272  241 31 45  164 32 -
Philippines  254  188 66 41  120 27 -
Thailand  240  128  112 34 60 30 4
Ukraine  231  162 69 3 4  155 -
Indonesia  204  193 11 1  171 21 -
1  The definition "refugee" refers to persons resident in Norway, who have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in Norway to refugees are not included.
2  Residence or work permit granted to close family members of a foreign with legal residence in Norway. This also applies to family members of Norwegian citizens. Family reunification mainly applies to spouses and children under 18 years of age.
3  Refugees who are permitted to come to Norway following an organised selection, normally in conjunction with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In accordance with a proposal from the government, the parliament sets an annual quota for the number of resettlement refugees to be received by Norway.
4  The definition "other refugees" refers to refugees of war with families from Bosnia Herzegovina who has been granted a collective assesment.
5  The definition "Asylum seekers" refers to asylum cases or residence on humanitarian grounds.

Explanation of symbols