Statistics Norway


2   Refugees1, by country background, citizenship and duration of residence in Norway. 1 January 2007
Country background Refugees, total Refugees with Norwegian citizenship Refugees with foreign citizenship Duration of residence. Year
 0- 4  5-9 10-19 20-  
Total  125 149 64 815 60 334       38 494       30 629       46 200        9 826
Rest of Western Europe, except Turkey  357 93  264  120 40  113 84
Eastern Europe 30 788 18 147 12 641 6 557 6 621 16 006 1 604
North America, Oceania 91 17 74 24 13 29 25
Afrika 25 828 8 909 16 919 12 937 6 709 5 624  558
South and Central America 5 364 3 702 1 662  294  447 3 371 1 252
Asia med Tyrkia 62 721 33 947 28 774 18 562 16 799 21 057 6 303
Selected countries              
Iraq 16 806 6 305 10 501 5 893 8 240 2 625 48
Somalia 13 994 4 937 9 057 6 654 4 286 3 030 24
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 522 8 592 3 930  721 1 368 10 422 11
Iran 11 284 7 762 3 522 1 922 2 959 5 927  476
Vietnam 10 860 9 893  967  687  697 4 870 4 606
Serbia 7 968 5 019 2 949 1 394 3 090 3 461 23
Afghanistan 6 380  510 5 870 4 426 1 648  265 41
Sri Lanka 6 224 4 560 1 664  619 1 246 3 747  612
Chile 4 492 3 194 1 298  154  173 3 031 1 134
Russia 3 853  214 3 639 3 429  318 97 9
Ethiopia 2 260  791 1 469  891  830  402  137
Turkey 2 015 1 255  760  496  452  959  108
Eritrea 1 998 1 107  891  800  164  831  203
Croatia 1 892 1 006  886  260 1 348  274 10
Pakistan 1 553  747  806  469  321  636  127
Burma 1 345 19 1 326 1 305 20 20 -
Poland 1 192  984  208 58 64  465  605
Macedonia 1 134  912  222  157  103  853 21
Congo 1 092  122  970  860  151 77 4
Lebanon 1 023  804  219  171  181  659 12
Syria  908  505  403  365  244  294 5
Liberia  872 5  867  862 4 5 1
Burundi  806 30  776  724 76 6 -
Palestinian Territory  758  238  520  565 41  142 10
Sudan  675  232  443  337  222  114 2
Hungary  642  614 28 11 6 22  603
China  527  187  340  297 75  110 45
1  The definition "refugee" refers to persons resident in Norway, who have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in Norway to refugees are not included.

Explanation of symbols