Statistics Norway


4   Refugees1, by country background, citizenship and sex. 1 January 2007
Country background Refugees, total Refugees with
Norwegian citizenship
Refugees with
foreign citizenship
Males Females
Total  125 149 64 815 60 334       66 834       58 315
Rest of Western Europe, except Turkey  357 93  264  177  180
Eastern Europe 30 788 18 147 12 641 15 608 15 180
Asia med Tyrkia 62 721 33 947 28 774 34 375 28 346
North America and Oceania 91 17 74 51 40
Sør-og Mellom Amerika 5 364 3 702 1 662 2 832 2 532
Afrika 25 828 8 909 16 919 13 791 12 037
Selected countries          
Iraq 16 806 6 305 10 501 9 839 6 967
Somalia 13 994 4 937 9 057 7 494 6 500
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 522 8 592 3 930 6 226 6 296
Iran 11 284 7 762 3 522 6 280 5 004
Vietnam 10 860 9 893  967 5 377 5 483
Serbia 7 968 5 019 2 949 4 209 3 759
Afghanistan 6 380  510 5 870 3 643 2 737
Sri Lanka 6 224 4 560 1 664 3 304 2 920
Chile 4 492 3 194 1 298 2 422 2 070
Russia 3 853  214 3 639 1 931 1 922
Ethiopia 2 260  791 1 469 1 172 1 088
Turkey 2 015 1 255  760 1 149  866
Eritrea 1 998 1 107  891 1 035  963
Croatia 1 892 1 006  886 1 005  887
Pakistan 1 553  747  806  793  760
Burma 1 345 19 1 326  734  611
Poland 1 192  984  208  510  682
Macedonia 1 134  912  222  612  522
Congo 1 092  122  970  584  508
Lebanon 1 023  804  219  579  444
Syria  908  505  403  426  482
Liberia  872 5  867  441  431
Burundi  806 30  776  403  403
Palestinian Territory  758  238  520  234  524
Sudan  675  232  443  290  385
Hungary  642  614 28  259  383
China  527  187  340  269  258
1  The definition "refugee" refers to persons resident in Norway, who have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in Norway to refugees are not included.

Explanation of symbols