Statistics Norway

1 Persons with refugee background1 Refugee status and country background. 1 January 2008
Country background Total Principal applicants Family connection to principal applicant2
Total Asylum seekers3 Resettlement refugees4 other 5 Unspecified Total Family reunification and
accompanying person
Marriage establishment
Total  132 367 99 843 62 095 21 040 10 153 6 555 32 524 23 191 9 333
Rest of Western Europe, except Turkey  395  219  122 8 8 81  176  120 56
Eastern Europe 31 810 28 426 16 326  953 10 096 1 051 3 384 1 687 1 697
North America, Oceania  110 60 27 2 3 28 50 31 19
Afrika 28 680 20 502 16 046 4 090 16  350 8 178 6 817 1 361
South and Central America 5 436 4 220 3 243  251 4  722 1 216  842  374
Asia with Turkey 65 936 46 416 26 331 15 736 26 4 323 19 520 13 694 5 826
Selected countries                  
Iraq 17 574 11 156 7 925 3 177 13 41 6 418 5 505  913
Somalia 15 498 9 976 9 667  222 14 73 5 522 5 077  445
Bosnia- Herzegovina 12 369 11 519 1 650  204 9 638 27  850  364  486
Iran 11 502 9 563 4 831 4 523 4  205 1 939 1 046  893
Vietnam 10 973 8 355  809 3 965 . 3 581 2 618 1 418 1 200
Kosovo 7 540 6 688 6 333 82  258 15  852  316  536
Afghanistan 6 897 4 677 3 311 1 340 4 22 2 220 1 940  280
Sri Lanka 6 301 3 832 3 627 40 .  165 2 469 1 344 1 125
Chile 4 544 3 574 2 765  152 1  656  970  688  282
Russia 4 411 4 090 3 958 80 6 46  321  248 73
Ethiopia 2 559 1 841 1 275  512 . 54  718  531  187
Eritrea 2 355 1 997 1 848 76 . 73  358  211  147
Turkey 2 083 1 119 1 054 31 . 34  964  631  333
Burma 1 945 1 739 88 1 651 . .  206  175 31
Croatia 1 818 1 605 1 255  258 80 12  213  140 73
Pakistan 1 617  918  829 29 . 60  699  458  241
Congo 1 430 1 293  277 1 011 . 5  137  118 19
Poland 1 232  923  562  245 1  115  309  191  118
Serbia 1 146 1 011  878 50 67 16  135 71 64
Lebanon 1 084  798  759 21 . 18  286  113  173
Palestinian Territory 1 066  759  750 5 . 4  307  281 26
Macedonia 1 009  787  741 5 15 26  222 90  132
Syria  960  622  561 61 . .  338  195  143
Liberia  886  843 94  749 . . 43 34 9
Burundi  860  792  394  398 . . 68 58 10
Sudan  712  578  314  263 . 1  134 77 57
Hungary  629  578 36 2 .  540 51 22 29
China  600  436  337 76 . 23  164 98 66
Rwanda  448  389  178  211 . . 59 50 9
Ghana  428  173  150 13 . 10  255  170 85
Algeria  426  326  293 26 . 7  100 57 43
India  423  209  171 16 . 22  214  102  112
Uganda  338  237  150 61 . 26  101 71 30
Romania  338  221  197 12 . 12  117 62 55
Morocco  334  148  114 . 1 33  186 56  130
Colombia  322  287  230 54 1 2 35 19 16
Cambodia  303  261 32  184 . 45 42 16 26
Sierra Leone  299  251  108  142 . 1 48 27 21
Kenya  291  205  143 53 . 9 86 66 20
1  The definition "person with refugee background" refers to persons resident in Norway, who have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in Norway by persons with refugee background are not included.
2  Residence or work permit granted to close family members of a foreign with legal residence in Norway. This also applies to family members of Norwegian citizens. Family reunification mainly applies to spouses and children under 18 years of age.
3  The definition "Asylum seekers" refers to asylum cases or residence on humanitarian grounds.
4  Refugees who are permitted to come to Norway following an organised selection, normally in conjunction with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In accordance with a proposal from the government, the parliament sets an annual quota for the number of resettlement refugees to be received by Norway.
5  The definition "other" refers to refugees of war with families from Bosnia Herzegovina who has been granted a collective assesment.

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