Statistics Norway

Persons with refugee background

4 Persons with refugee background1, by citizenship, sex and country background. 1 January 2012
Country background Total Persons with norwegian citizenship Persons with foreign citizenship Sex
Males Females
Total  163 480  102 610 60 870 86 864 76 616
Europe, of which: 33 466 23 416 10 050 16 802 16 664
EU/EEA 3 403 2 477  926 1 588 1 815
Countries not in EU/EEA 30 063 20 939 9 124 15 214 14 849
Africa 42 277 20 549 21 728 22 288 19 989
Asia with Turkey 81 830 54 247 27 583 44 698 37 132
North America and Oceania  180 53  127 92 88
South and Central America 5 727 4 345 1 382 2 984 2 743
Selected countries          
Iraq 20 629 12 116 8 513 11 634 8 995
Somalia 20 063 11 593 8 470 10 662 9 401
Iran 12 749 10 398 2 351 6 958 5 791
Bosnia- Herzegovina 12 036 9 087 2 949 5 904 6 132
Vietnam 11 549 10 989  560 5 641 5 908
Afghanistan 10 945 4 630 6 315 6 829 4 116
Kosovo 8 558 6 888 1 670 4 567 3 991
Eritrea 7 661 1 600 6 061 4 055 3 606
Sri Lanka 7 208 6 055 1 153 3 791 3 417
Russia 4 961 1 650 3 311 2 421 2 540
Chile 4 750 3 618 1 132 2 530 2 220
Ethiopia 4 144 2 042 2 102 2 057 2 087
Burma 2 977  369 2 608 1 540 1 437
Palestinian Territory 2 905 1 515 1 390 1 807 1 098
Turkey 2 644 2 096  548 1 495 1 149
Pakistan 1 937 1 378  559  967  970
Congo 1 810  575 1 235  938  872
Croatia 1 799 1 447  352  938  861
Sudan 1 473  509  964  870  603
Poland 1 280 1 050  230  531  749
Syria 1 220  865  355  622  598
Lebanon 1 132  971  161  647  485
Macedonia 1 070  871  199  589  481
China  996  414  582  484  512
Burundi  983  477  506  469  514
Liberia  897  486  411  446  451
Serbia  791  514  277  391  400
Hungary  561  536 25  325  236
India  537  414  123  247  290
Rwanda  532  268  264  250  282
Ghana  492  425 67  229  263
Algeria  475  358  117  315  160
Morocco  426  322  104  194  232
Thailand  417  130  287  145  272
Uganda  378  265  113  182  196
Philippines  360  181  179  119  241
Romania  341  251 90  140  201
Sierra Leone  339  246 93  176  163
Colombia  337  250 87  165  172
Kazakhstan  329  165  164  137  192
Kenya  317  236 81  158  159
Cambodia  310  231 79  141  169
1  The definition "person with refugee background" refers to persons resident in Norway, who have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in Norway by persons with refugee background are not included.

Explanation of symbols