Population and Housing Census 2001

7   Private households and persons in private households, by type of household and age of the oldest person in the household. 3 November 2001. Numbers and per cent
Type of household Numbers Per cent
Persons Private households Persons Private households
Total 4 485 945 1 961 548  100.0  100.0
One-person households  739 563  739 563 16.5 37.7
-24 55 528 55 528 1.2 2.8
25-34  143 616  143 616 3.2 7.3
35-44 95 885 95 885 2.1 4.9
45-69  220 921  220 921 4.9 11.3
70-79  113 936  113 936 2.5 5.8
-80  109 677  109 677 2.4 5.6
Two or more-person households 3 746 382 1 221 985 83.5 62.3
Age of the oldest person        
-24 41 362 17 943 0.9 0.9
25-34  585 919  191 477 13.1 9.8
35-44 1 105 968  291 497 24.7 14.9
45-69 1 640 905  552 200 36.6 28.2
70-79  251 183  114 309 5.6 5.8
-80  121 045 54 559 2.7 2.8

Explanation of symbols