Statistics Norway

Households. Population and Housing Census

12 Private households, by tenure status and type of household. Persons in private households and persons per household, by tenure status. 2001 and 2011. Numbers and per cent
  2001 2011
  Total Owns the dwelling Rents the dwelling Total Owns the dwelling Rents the dwelling
  Homeowner alone or through joint ownership Through a housing co-operative or limited company Homeowner alone or through joint ownership Through a housing co-operative or limited company
I alt 1 961 548 1 226 459  277 218  457 871 2 224 151 1 392 127  321 456  510 568
Type of household1                
One-family households total 1 903 367 1 192 355  271 729  439 283 2 145 271 1 336 226  313 142  495 903
Living alone  739 563  321 710  143 108  274 745  880 340  374 818  169 751  335 771
couples without resident children  412 611  305 945 51 826 54 840  476 248  357 745 60 810 57 693
Couples with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)  224 086  165 022 23 433 35 631  229 334  169 630 27 370 32 334
Couples with older children(youngest child 6-17 years)  228 864  194 665 16 449 17 750  247 549  214 602 17 291 15 656
Lone parent with small children (youngest child 0-5 years) 33 802 11 316 5 418 17 068 33 515 11 173 4 130 18 212
Lone parent with older children (youngest child 6-17 years) 73 185 36 949 14 594 21 642 90 915 52 106 15 448 23 361
One-family household with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over)  191 256  156 748 16 901 17 607  187 370  156 152 18 342 12 876
Two or more-family households total 58 181 34 104 5 489 18 588 78 880 55 901 8 314 14 665
Two or more-family households with children (youngest child 0-17 years) 20 299 13 156 1 694 5 449 29 350 24 028 2 438 2 884
Two or more-family households without resident children 0-17 years 37 882 20 948 3 795 13 139 49 530 31 873 5 876 11 781
Persons total 4 485 945 3 171 231  513 929  800 785 4 927 467 3 523 988  583 731  819 748
Persons per household 2.3 2.6 1.9 1.7 2.2 2.5 1.8 1.6
        Per cent
Total  100.0 62.5 14.1 23.3  100.0 62.6 14.5 23.0
Type of household1                
One-family households total  100.0 62.6 14.3 23.1  100.0 62.3 14.6 23.1
Living alone  100.0 43.5 19.4 37.1  100.0 42.6 19.3 38.1
couples without resident children  100.0 74.1 12.6 13.3  100.0 75.1 12.8 12.1
Couples with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)  100.0 73.6 10.5 15.9  100.0 74.0 11.9 14.1
Couples with older children(youngest child 6-17 years)  100.0 85.1 7.2 7.8  100.0 86.7 7.0 6.3
Lone mother/father with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)  100.0 33.5 16.0 50.5  100.0 33.3 12.3 54.3
Lone mother/father with older children (youngest child 6-17 years)  100.0 50.5 19.9 29.6  100.0 57.3 17.0 25.7
One-family household with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over)  100.0 82.0 8.8 9.2  100.0 83.3 9.8 6.9
Two or more-family households total  100.0 58.6 9.4 31.9  100.0 70.9 10.5 18.6
Two or more-family households with children (youngest child 0-17 years)  100.0 64.8 8.3 26.8  100.0 81.9 8.3 9.8
Two or more-family households without resident children 0-17 years  100.0 55.3 10.0 34.7  100.0 64.4 11.9 23.8
1  In the 2011 Population and Housing Census, persons are grouped according to age at census date (19 November). In the 2001 Census, persons were grouped according to age at the end of the year (31 December).

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