Statistics Norway

Households. Population and Housing Census

14 Private households, by age1 of the oldest person, number of children in household and number of cars available for use in the household. 2001 and 2011
  2001 2011
  Total Number of cars available I alt Number of cars available
  No car available 1 car 2 cars or more No car available 1 car 2 cars or more
Total 1 961 548  582 485  908 658  470 405 2 224 151  616 830  972 378  634 943
Oldest person under 25 years 73 471 56 032 15 287 2 152  108 031 80 244 23 069 4 718
Households without resident children 0-17 years 63 681 49 761 12 307 1 613 98 708 75 164 19 912 3 632
Households with children 0-17 years 9 790 6 271 2 980  539 9 323 5 080 3 157 1 086
Oldest person 25-34 years  335 093  113 178  165 652 56 263  338 016  142 419  139 154 56 443
Households without resident children 0-17 years  195 333 88 621 87 587 19 125  224 179  120 039 84 088 20 052
Households with children 0-17 years  139 760 24 557 78 065 37 138  113 837 22 380 55 066 36 391
Oldest person 35-44 years  387 382 74 118  198 326  114 938  423 264 89 447  192 817  141 000
Households without resident children 0-17 years  127 885 47 882 62 345 17 658  151 954 61 667 69 436 20 851
Households with children 0-17 years  259 497 26 236  135 981 97 280  271 310 27 780  123 381  120 149
Oldest person 45-69 years  773 121  136 146  368 854  268 121  965 220  152 950  428 991  383 279
Households without resident children 0-17 years  606 192  123 567  293 911  188 714  735 025  136 790  342 280  255 955
Households with children 0-17 years  166 929 12 579 74 943 79 407  230 195 16 160 86 711  127 324
Oldest person 70-79 years  228 245 89 774  115 583 22 888  212 608 51 995  121 847 38 766
Households without resident children 0-17 years  225 451 89 538  114 609 21 304  208 554 51 718  120 813 36 023
Households with children 0-17 years 2 794  236  974 1 584 4 054  277 1 034 2 743
Oldest person 80 years or more  164 236  113 237 44 956 6 043  177 012 99 775 66 500 10 737
Households without resident children 0-17 years  162 770  113 145 44 410 5 215  175 068 99 670 65 925 9 473
Households with children 0-17 years 1 466 92  546  828 1 944  105  575 1 264
1  In the 2011 Population and Housing Census, persons are grouped according to age at census date (19 November). In the 2001 Census, persons were grouped according to age at the end of the year (31 December).

Explanation of symbols