Immigrants' housing conditions. Population and housing Census 2001

3   Population, by type of household and immigrant population's country1. Oslo. 3 November 2001
Country background Total Private households Other households
Total One-famliy households Two or more family households with and without children
Total Living alone Couples2 without unmarried resident children Couples2 with children (youngest child 0-17 years) Mother/father with children (youngest child 0-17 år) One-family households with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over)
Total  512 080  506 923  475 431  138 659 97 052  162 593 35 098 42 029 31 492 5 157
Norway  409 981  405 423  384 723  117 422 85 275  118 851 26 538 36 637 20 700 4 558
Foreign countries, total  102 099  101 500 90 708 21 237 11 777 43 742 8 560 5 392 10 792  599
Western Europe, total 19 998 19 796 18 505 7 563 4 648 4 381  833 1 080 1 291  202
Sweden 6 874 6 819 6 332 2 910 1 560 1 370  256  236  487 55
Denmark 3 744 3 716 3 492 1 461  956  762  118  195  224 28
United Kingdom 1 975 1 955 1 863  630  483  526 84  140 92 20
Germany 1 799 1 742 1 635  639  458  356 51  131  107 57
Rest of Western Europe 5 606 5 564 5 183 1 923 1 191 1 367  324  378  381 42
Eastern Europe, except Turkey, total 9 895 9 815 8 783 1 953 1 501 3 712  654  963 1 032 80
Yugoslavia 3 247 3 199 2 864  438  336 1 638  199  253  335 48
Bosnia Herzegovina 1 420 1 417 1 221  268  233  417 77  226  196 3
Poland 1 678 1 672 1 555  411  305  516  147  176  117 6
Russia  631  631  581  150  133  199 49 50 50 0
Rest of Eastern Europe 2 919 2 896 2 562  686  494  942  182  258  334 23
Africa, total 16 489 16 327 14 990 3 768  937 6 947 2 934  404 1 337  162
Somalia 5 409 5 328 4 843 1 454  103 1 524 1 715 47  485 81
Morocco 4 596 4 577 4 149  586  320 2 782  298  163  428 19
Ethiopia 1 505 1 478 1 411  478 89  508  286 50 67 27
Ghana  595  592  555  121 53  287 92 2 37 3
Gambia  724  721  661  195 49  261  142 14 60 3
Rest of Africa 3 660 3 631 3 371  934  323 1 585  401  128  260 29
Asia with Turkey, total 50 518 50 408 43 720 6 551 3 691 27 237 3 583 2 658 6 688  110
Pakistan 18 032 18 005 15 157 1 224  924 11 180  799 1 030 2 848 27
Vietnam 4 312 4 307 3 571  717  299 1 626  654  275  736 5
Iraq 3 371 3 355 3 022  989  151 1 517  324 41  333 16
Iran 3 835 3 819 3 465  943  397 1 458  456  211  354 16
Turkey 4 606 4 597 4 094  461  341 2 753  333  206  503 9
Sri Lanka 5 727 5 719 5 097  584  409 3 877  109  118  622 8
India 2 941 2 939 2 478  337  246 1 575  144  176  461 2
Afghanistan  429  427  359 91 11  209 39 9 68 2
Rest of Asia 7 265 7 240 6 477 1 205  913 3 042  725  592  763 25
North America, total 1 699 1 665 1 573  536  453  451 52 81 92 34
South and Central America, total 3 277 3 266 2 936  807  491  937  500  201  330 11
Chile 1 658 1 653 1 439  382  176  493  267  121  214 5
Rest of South and Central America 1 619 1 613 1 497  425  315  444  233 80  116 6
Oceania, total  223  223  201 59 56 77 4 5 22 0
1  Own, mother's or father's country of birth (if it is foreign) for persons with two foreign born parents, otherwise Norway.
2  Married couples, cohabiting couples and registered partners.

Explanation of symbols