Employment and education. Population and Housing Census 2001

1   Persons 16-74 years, total and employed 100 hours or more per year, by sex, age and education level. 2001. Numbers and per cent
  Total Persons employed 100 hours or more per year
  Total Males Females Numbers Per cent
  Total Males Females Total Males Females
Total 3 211 032 1 618 492 1 592 540 2 442 347 1 296 877 1 145 470 76.1 80.1 71.9
16-19 years  213 189  109 519  103 670  125 726 64 122 61 604 59.0 58.5 59.4
20-24 years  272 553  138 373  134 180  236 479  123 297  113 182 86.8 89.1 84.4
25-39 years 1 005 669  512 159  493 510  872 892  463 651  409 241 86.8 90.5 82.9
40-54 years  931 041  474 518  456 523  806 284  423 443  382 841 86.6 89.2 83.9
55-66 years  530 284  264 235  266 049  359 269  195 991  163 278 67.8 74.2 61.4
67-74 years  258 296  119 688  138 608 41 697 26 373 15 324 16.1 22.0 11.1
Education level                  
Below upper secondary education  544 910  259 358  285 552  279 164  153 733  125 431 51.2 59.3 43.9
Upper secondary education1 1 837 634  956 325  881 309 1 457 972  793 953  664 019 79.3 83.0 75.3
Tertiary education, short2  587 079  253 902  333 177  518 234  226 697  291 537 88.3 89.3 87.5
Tertiary education, long3  159 816  107 653 52 163  146 476 98 928 47 548 91.7 91.9 91.2
Unknown 81 593 41 254 40 339 40 501 23 566 16 935 49.6 57.1 42.0
1  Including 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
2  Tertiary education short, comprises higher education 4 years or shorter.
3  Tertiary education long, comprises higher education more than 4 years.

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