Statistics Norway


5   Number of new established enterprises in the information sector. 2001-2004
  2001 2002 2003 2004
All activities 35 537 39 041 38 747 43 068
Information sector 4 302 4 304 4 207 4 401
ICT-sector 3 408 3 322 3 132 3 104
ICT-Manufacturing industry 28 21 30 57
ICT-Wholesale1  425  403  281  256
ICT-Telecommunications 78 79  150  132
ICT-consultancy services 2 877 2 819 2 671 2 659
Database activities2  307  183  168  167
Content sector  894  982 1 075 1 297
Publishing industries  154  136  166  214
Information services  505  593  639  710
Radio and television 19 29 23 31
Motion picture and video activities  216  224  247  342
1  New delimitation from 2003, see About the statistics.
2  This industry is defined as a part of ICT-Consultancy services by OECD, but it will probably be part of the content sector in 2007, see About the statistics.

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