Statistics Norway

1 Enterprises, by economic activity and size groups, 2004 [Corrected 12 November 2007]
Economic activity Total number of enterprises 0-4 persons employed 5-9 persons employed 10-19 persons employed 20-49 persons employed 50-99 persons employed 100-249 persons employed 250 persons employed and more
Total  349 598  300 718 25 755 13 315 6 499 1 772  969  570
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 65 271 64 531  547  144 42 5 2 :
Fishing 7 009 6 725  169 81 26 6 2 :
C - Mining and quarrying  750  528 78 54 34 15 17 24
D - Manufacturing 20 071 14 121 2 307 1 600 1 186  447  265  145
E - Electricity, gas and water supply  892  626 47 64 90 39 17 9
F - Construction 36 822 31 430 2 834 1 597  734  149 53 25
G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehichles, motorcycles and personal household goods 57 063 41 886 8 556 4 365 1 622  335  185  114
H - Hotels and restaurants 10 117 6 367 1 782 1 208  567  122 52 19
I - Transport, storage and communication 23 043 19 604 1 966  767  403  137 82 84
J - Financial intermediation 2 751 2 250  185 97  124 37 27 31
K - Real estate, renting and business activities 89 224 82 570 3 708 1 657  826  248  138 77
M - Education 2 204 1 687  220  125  126 37 8 1
N - Health and social work 15 211 11 954 1 862  828  351  115 75 26
O - Other community, social and personal service activities 19 113 16 384 1 492  728  368 80 46 15
P - Private households with employed persons 45 45 : : : : : :
Q - Extra-territorial organizations and bodies 8 6 2 : : : : :
Unknown 4 4 : : : : : :

Explanation of symbols