Statistics Norway

2 Total number of enterprises, persons employed and turnover, by economic activity. 2004 [Corrected 12 November 2007]
Economic activity Total number of enterprises Total number of persons employed Turnover in 1 000 NOK
Total  349 598 1 548 135 3 181 262 541
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 65 271 61 546 36 457 197
Fishing 7 009 8 611 22 709 354
C - Mining and quarrying1  750 30 829  648 866 794
D - Manufacturing 20 071  259 053  527 909 458
E - Electricity, gas and water supply  892 14 113 75 519 219
F - Construction 36 822  142 900  180 748 712
G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehichles, motorcycles and personal household goods 57 063  349 211  980 558 318
H - Hotels and restaurants 10 117 79 607 41 348 678
I - Transport, storage and communication 23 043  161 458  328 841 750
J - Financial intermediation 2 751 45 154 :
K - Real estate, renting and business activities 89 224  227 687  291 522 946
M - Education 2 204 13 940 :
N - Health and social work 15 211 83 471 :
O - Other community, social and personal service activities2 19 113 70 469 46 762 079
P - Private households with employed persons 45 53 18 036
Q - Extra-territorial organizations and bodies 8 27 :
Unknown 4 6 :
1  The figures include The states's direct financial interest (SDFI).
2  Turnover in activity 91 (Activities of membership organisastions n.e.c.) is not included.

Explanation of symbols