Statistics Norway


3 Total number of enterprises, persons employed and turnover by legal form. 2005
Legal form Total number of enterprises Total number of persons employed Turnover in 1000 NOK
Total  359 968 1 581 654 3 562 670 620
General partnership 8 089 20 144 31 072 212
Privat limited company  134 489 1 132 179 2 632 606 742
Public limited company  397 47 625  383 100 033
General partnership with shared liability 7 203 16 297 19 972 162
Sole proprietorship  195 239  213 025  121 165 591
Other legal forms1 14 551  152 384  374 753 880
1  The figures include The states's direct financial interest (SDFI).

Explanation of symbols