Statistics Norway

2 Total number of enterprises, persons employed and turnover by economic activity. 2009. NACE Rev. 2 (Corrected 16 May 2012)
Economic activity Total number of enterprises Total number of persons employed Turnover in NOK million
Total  402 220 1 787 579 4 428 453
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 64 660 73 168 91 139
B - Mining and quarrying1 1 044 52 437  996 611
C - Manufacturing 18 642  240 543  659 696
D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply  916 14 048  104 750
E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 1 105 8 244 18 621
F - Construction 49 100  192 142  307 002
G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 52 802  369 533 1 240 224
H - Transportation and storage 21 812  152 148  290 209
I - Accommodation and food service activities 10 553 86 011 54 903
J - Information and communication 14 456 84 586  181 640
K - Financial and insurance activities 19 021 48 170 :
L - Real estate activities 43 152 26 283  111 738
M - Professional, scientific and technical activities 39 243  115 757  184 505
N - Administrative and support service activities 16 393  111 707  126 180
P - Education 3 745 19 767 :
Q - Human health and social work activities 20 241  114 044 :
R - Arts, entertainment and recreation 12 126 32 778 47 196
S - Other service activities 13 179 45 936 14 040
T - Activities of household as employers; undifferentiated goods- and servicesproducing activities of households for own account 1 1 :
U - Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 29  276 :
1  The figures include the states's direct financial interest.

Explanation of symbols