Physical activity amongst elderly people

1   Exercise during the last 12 months in the age group 55-75 years, by sex, age, education and income. Per cent
  Percentage exercising1 Number of people
Total 86 878
Female 85 436
Male 86 442
55-59 years 89 296
60-64 years 86 231
65-69 years 85 170
70-75 years 81 181
Below upper secondary level 63 286
Upper secondary education 74 360
Tertiary education, short 85 129
Tertiary education, long 86 87
Less than 150.000 66 308
151.000 - 300.000 75 376
301.000 - 450.000 84 105
451.000 - 600.000 79 38
More than 600.000 82 22
1  Exercises regularly at least half an hour once a week.

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