Statistics Norway

Land use planning in municipalities and counties

1   Building project applications in areas of particular environmental value
  Number of cases processed2 Applications consistent with plans. Percentage approved Applications that include exemptions. Percentage approved Rejected applications. Percentage
Projects in agricultural areas, areas of natural environment and outdoor recreation areas1 2001 15 853 70 23 8
  2002 17 167 74 20 6
  2003 7 801 62 29 9
Projects in the coastal zone where building is prohibited1 2001 1 636 . 67 33
  2002 1 570 . 69 31
  2003 1 175 . 74 26
Projects along rivers and lakes where building is prohibited1 2001  336 . 80 20
  2002  410 . 80 20
  2003  325 . 74 26
Projects in areas set aside for preservation of the cultural heritage 2001  799 79 12 10
  2002  568 71 16 13
  2003  866 73 11 17
1  From 2003, the exemptions comprise only new buildings, before 2003 all exemptions are included.
2  Number of cases processed comprise only reporting municipalities. On average, about 80 per cent of municipalities have reported.

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