Statistics Norway

Land use planning in municipalities and counties

4   Share of municipalities with plan for biological diversity, outdoor recreation and preservation of cultural heritage. Average age of plans in the year of reporting
  Biological diversity Outdoor recreation Cultural heritage
  Percentage of municipalities with plan Age. Years Percentage of municipalities with plan Age. Years Percentage of municipalities with plan Age. Years
The whole country            
2001 17          4.6 62          3.7 28          5.5
2002 20 4.2 57 3.4 .. 5.3
2003 29 2.3 59 2.3 30 5.2
By inhabitants in the municipality. 2003            
Over 300 000  100 0.0  100 0.0  100 2.0
50 000-300 000 82 2.8 82 1.4 64 4.3
30 000-50 000 69 2.1 77 2.7 54 2.6
20 000-30 000 61 3.4 88 2.3 53 6.8
10 000-20 000 31 2.6 62 2.2 35 5.3
5 000-10 000 24 3.4 62 3.0 25 5.3
2 000-5 000 22 1.5 51 2.0 28 5.0
Under 2 000 21 1.1 55 2.3 21 6.7

Explanation of symbols