Statistics Norway

Land use planning in municipalities and counties

5   Municipal expenses, revenues and investments within land use planning (function 300)1
  Gross operating expenses Gross operating revenues Net operating expenses Gross investments
  Total Per capita Physical plans. Percentage Subdivision of land including survey. Percentage Building projects. Percentage Total Per capita Per capita Total Per capita
  NOK 1 000 NOK   NOK 1 000 NOK NOK NOK 1 000 NOK
The whole country                    
2001 1 570 488  347 8 39 53  811 216  179  168  141 119 31
2002 1 747 338  383 27 39 34  851 598  187  196  196 386 43
2003 1 895 206  414 28 34 37  915 584  200  214  136 567 30
By inhabitants in the municipality. 2003                    
Over 300 000  295 927  567 33 10 57          
50 000-300 000  449 213  437 27 36 37          
30 000-50 000  179 634  363 25 40 35          
20 000-30 000  166 938  361 31 39 30          
10 000-20 000  287 583  350 29 38 33          
5 000-10 000  225 490  352 27 41 32          
2 000-5 000  210 498  447 25 43 32          
Under 2 000 71 186  613 23 44 32          
1  Average revenues and expenses per capita are weighted by population.

Explanation of symbols