Statistics Norway

Land use planning in municipalities and counties

8   Gross operating expenses, operating revenues and investments in local and regional development - area and nature (function 715). County authorities. NOK 1 000
  Gross operating expenses Operating revenues Gross investments
  Total Of which transfers, etc. Per inhabitant. NOK Total Of which transfers, etc. Total
The whole country            
20011  262 026  119 600 58             224 116  221 120 6 386
20021  312 867  144 099 69  208 758  207 068 6 870
20031  528 645  365 960  115  463 981  457 217 15 189
Counties. 2003            
01 Østfold 39 767 26 735  155 29 436 29 270 -
02 Akershus 26 729 12 337 55 60 60 7 053
03 Oslo . . . . . .
04 Hedmark 27 148 -  144 20 940 20 852 -
05 Oppland 22 488 16 547  122 1 316 1 295 -
06 Buskerud 37 200 25 491  154 21 599 21 579 -
07 Vestfold 6 846 4 052 31 2 498 2 498 -
08 Telemark 39 464 31 859  238 62 196 62 196 -
09 Aust-Agder 4 605  409 45  927  622 -
10 Vest-Agder 16 218 4 081  101 36 369 28 755 8 136
11 Rogaland 15 287 3 295 39 8 007 8 007 -
12 Hordaland 4 983  588 11 3 119 3 076 -
14 Sogn og Fjordane 6 967 2 718 65 6 998 8 689 -
15 Møre og Romsdal 6 326  848 26 1 354 1 354 -
16 Sør-Trøndelag 13 867 5 673 51 9 057 8 954 -
17 Nord-Trøndelag 7 862 2 763 61  930  892 -
18 Nordland  236 409  222 957  997  246 798  246 798 -
19 Troms 9 413 2 083 62 6 108 6 108 -
20 Finnmark Finnmárku 7 066 3 524 97 6 269 6 212 -
1  Average costs per inhabitant are weighted by population.

Explanation of symbols