Statistics Norway

Cross-border trade

1   Cross border trade. Number of trips, by destination
  Total Strømstad Svinesund Charlottenberg Other Sweden Other countries
  1 000
2004 total 6 453 1 576 1 850  657 1 514  856
1. quarter 2004 1 599  280  584 96  368  272
2. quarter 2004 1 444  419  342  209  328  147
3. quarter 2004 1 932  539  514  182  448  249
4. quarter 2004 1 478  338  410  169  371  189
1. quarter 2005 1 386  333  381  111  430  132
2. quarter 2005 1 730  404  461  283  412  170

Explanation of symbols