Statistics Norway

Cross-border trade

1   Cross border trade. Number of trips, by destination
  Total Strømstad1 Other destinations
  1 000
2004, total 6 572 3 507 3 065
2005, total 6 648 3 123 3 524
2006, total 6 127 2 969 3 157
1. quarter 2004 1 695  920  775
2. quarter 2004 1 460  769  691
3. quarter 2004 1 927 1 050  877
4. quarter 2004 1 490  768  722
1. quarter 2005 1 356  698  657
2. quarter 2005 1 757  879  879
3. quarter 2005 1 735  801  934
4. quarter 2005 1 800  745 1 054
1. quarter 2006 1 208  554  654
2. quarter 2006 1 535  789  745
3. quarter 2006 1 802  874  928
4. quarter 2006 1 582  752  830
1. quarter 2007 1 203  510  693
1  Strømstad municipality which includes Svinesund, Strømstad and Nordby.

Explanation of symbols