Port statistics

6   Number of TEU containers and cargo by port district. 3rd quarter 2002. Tons1
Port district Cargo loaded in containers Number of TEU containers with cargo Number of TEU containers without cargo
1st quarter 2002, total  795 319 78 425 29 287
2nd quarter 2002, total  853 060 83 113 32 420
3rd quarter 2002, total  837 142 83 603 33 604
3rd quarter 2002      
Borg 79 194 6 921 2 530
Moss 47 420 4 891 1 378
Oslo  265 243 27 469 9 496
Tønsberg 14 1 0
Larvik 54 437 4 605 1 540
Grenland 67 311 4 049 3 255
Kristiansand S 70 589 5 101 2 166
Eigersund 5 406  398  592
Stavanger 31 405 4 583 1 106
Karmsund 11 880  927  988
Bergen og Omland 24 280 2 880 1 250
Florø 43 603 9 671 0
Nordfjord 18 583 1 442 1 337
Ålesund 59 500 4 808 5 290
Kristiansund N 1 354  163 60
Trondheim 6 578  597  368
Rana 9 691  306  265
Bodø 24 945 3 054 1 632
Narvik 9 174  345  352
Tromsø 6 535 1 394 0
1  Containers below 20 feet are not included in this table.

Explanation of symbols