Statistics Norway

Port statistics

5   Maritime transport. Number of containers TEU (by lolo and roro) and cargo, by port district. 1st quarter 2003. Tons1
Port district Number of containers lolo Number of containers roro
Cargo loaded in containers Number of TEU containers with cargo Number of TEU containers without cargo Cargo loaded in containers Number of TEU containers with cargo Number of TEU containers without cargo
1st quarter 2003  841 112 91 432 31 059 21 156 1 628 1 877
Borg 83 770 6 897 2 180 1 320  199  164
Moss 51 589 5 475 1 989 . . .
Oslo  288 950 34 719 8 896 . . .
Larvik 67 864 6 055 2 448 . . .
Grenland2 47 945 2 847 2 132 19 836 1 429 1 713
Kristiansand S 81 865 7 991 2 313 . . .
Eigersund 2 785  206  108 . . .
Stavanger 22 565 2 454 2 067 . . .
Karmsund 11 263  761  795 . . .
Bergen og Omland 29 789 3 645 1 737 . . .
Florø 29 322 7 885  319 . . .
Nordfjord 10 072  894  698 . . .
Ålesund 48 994 4 253 3 344 . . .
Kristiansund N2  903  143 37 . . .
Trondheim 11 655  904  539 . . .
Rana 10 724  339  300 . . .
Bodø 25 125 3 032  872 . . .
Narvik 10 509  377  283 . . .
Tromsø 5 423 2 553 . . . .
1  Containers below 20 feet are not included in this table.
2  Kristiansund N declares also traffic for the county Sunndalsøra , approx. 700 000 tonnes i 2002.

Explanation of symbols