1 Number of persons with health care education by category of personnel and.
employmentstatus. 1. October 20024

In then labour force1 Outside the labour force
Total Employed Unempl. Total Labour
tation, dis-
and age-
Total 317 204 260 140 239 545 18 986 1 609 57 064 213 38 981 2 393 4 276 11 201
Medical Secretary 6 061 5 227 4 938 177 112 834 14 270 105 148 297
Auxilliary nurse 82 852 64 324 61 510 2 399 415 18 528 58 13 465 549 1 533 2 923
Care worker 13 170 11 877 11 350 376 151 1 293 15 328 241 174 535
Pharmacy technician 3 368 3 093 2 980 51 62 275 9 55 42 66 103
Chiropodist 1 649 1 313 693 584 36 336 3 120 32 65 116
Child care worker1 20 857 14 842 13 938 653 251 6 015 27 4 241 353 433 961
Dental secretary 3 391 2 932 2 789 103 40 459 4 204 43 52 156
Unqualified occupational
4 490 3 781 3 522 208 51 709 9 361 73 73 193
Other health care
education, secondary level
4 964 4 820 4 510 290 20 144 1 29 20 13 81
Occupational therapists 2 590 2 288 2 165 91 32 302 - 160 23 47 72
Physioterapists 9 868 7 956 5 049 2 868 39 1 912 5 995 45 158 709
Midwives and public
health nurse
7 361 5 462 5 262 197 3 1 899 2 1 671 20 53 153
Radiographer 1 932 1 802 1 767 30 5 130 - 64 8 18 40
Nurse 87 203 70 546 68 250 2 183 113 16 657 24 12 495 580 835 2 723
Professional health worker
for the mentally retarded
7 809 7 294 7 099 163 32 515 4 201 57 116 137
Dental nurse 1 054 934 825 102 7 120 - 51 6 26 37
Medical laboratory
5 447 4 856 4 706 124 26 591 3 298 36 77 177
Child welfare officer 5 418 4 864 4 618 191 55 554 4 274 44 38 194
Social worker 7 449 6 378 6 074 245 59 1 071 3 725 39 93 211
Other health care
education, college level
5 372 4 971 4 684 256 31 401 1 219 15 57 109
Pharmacists and
dispensing pharmasist
3 214 2 684 2 499 181 4 530 1 411 9 19 90
Physician 9 618 8 407 6 627 1 751 29 1 211 23 517 28 82 561
specialised physician 10 405 9 418 6 771 2 645 2 987 - 753 5 45 184
Dentists and
specialised dentists
5 458 4 314 2 144 2 163 7 1 144 - 854 7 33 250
psychologists 4 525 4 135 3 403 707 25 390 3 213 13 21 140
Other health care
education, univiversity level
1 679 1 622 1 372 248 2 57 - 7 - 1 49