11 Employed persons, aged 16-66 and settled man-years, with health care education, by
category of personnel. 1 October 2002 and 2003 Change in per cent

  Employed persons Man-years Actual man-years
Education 2003 Change in
per cent
the last
2003 Change in
per cent
the last
2003 Change in
per cent
the last
Total 338 872 2,0    260 434 1,9     231 816 1,3
Unskilled 71 052 1,1 45 912 -1,2 40 515 -1,8
Secondary level, health care education 80 157 1,5 60 740 1,9 52 645 1,1
Secondary level, non-health care education 39 885 0,9 25 214 1,4 22 817 0,7
College level, health care education 98 944 2,9 85 924 3,3 76 350 2,8
University level, health care education 18 935 2,5 21 586 0,1 20 272 0,1
College and university, non-health care education 22 605 -2,6 16 268 1,0 14 865 0,3
Unspecified 7 294 27,0 4 790 27,6 4 350 27,1