Statistics Norway

8 Employed immigrants and non-residents aged 15-74 with a health care education in the health care industry1. 4th quarter 2010. Change in per cent since 2009 (Updated 4 January 2012)
  Total Norway Denmark Finland Sweden Germany Other countries within the EU, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand Europe outside the EU Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand
        2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change       2010 Per cent change
I alt 25 910 7.0  284 13.6 1 621.0 -3.2  973 -0.9 4 545 6.1 2 143 4.7 4 277 8.0 2 521 11.8 9 546 8.9
Auxiliary nurse and care worker2 6 213 6.0  106 21.8  190.0 -2.6  170 7.6 1 091 7.4  133 0.8  503 -0.8  846 10.0 3 174 5.8
Health care education, secondary level 1 637 20.7 21 31.3 68.0 -2.9 34 17.2  100 11.1 83 13.7  134 6.3  229 30.9  968 24.6
Physiotherapist and and occupational therapist 1 175 4.4 1 -  133.0 - 49 -  221 7.3  176 7.3  399 4.2 30 -  166 3.8
Nurse, midwife and public health nurse 8 203 8.9 81 11.0  498.0 0.2  565 -3.3 1 835 7.4  610 8.9 1 501 15.1  624 14.3 2 489 10.1
Other health care education, college level 2 535 4.4 33 -13.2  228.0 -8.1 68 -5.6  290 - 89 -3.3  423 5.0  259 11.6 1 145 8.7
Physician3 2 180 -1.0 16 23.1  173.0 -6.0 19 -17.4  349 0.3  247 -9.5  410 -0.2  274 -0.4  692 2.4
Specialised physician 2 369 7.9 13 -  207.0 -5.0 31 -8.8  354 6.6  551 7.2  595 10.6  164 14.7  454 12.7
Dentist and specialist in dentistry  831 5.5 1 -66.7 35.0 -2.8 18 -  132 0.8  183 5.8  132 13.8 57 7.5  273 5.8
Psychologist  518 8.4 7  133.3 73.0 -3.9 14 16.7  142 8.4 58 5.5  131 8.3 20 25.0 73 14.1
Other health care education, univ.level  249 - 5 25.0 16.0 -5.9 5 66.7 31 6.9 13 18.2 49 -7.5 18 20.0  112 -4.3
1  From 2008 health care services also include child care activities, school-age child care, recreation centres for children and adolescents, work practice for ordinary employment, social welfare organisations, and permanent sheltered employment.
2  Health worker is included.
3  Includes medical students with licence.

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