Red deer hunting

1   Red deer hunting, by municipalities. 1999-2000
  1999 2000
  Licences issued Animals felled Number of animals felled as per cent of licences issued Licences issued Animals felled Number of animals felled as per cent of licences issued
  Total Males Females
The whole country 33 943 22 063 65 35 463 122 534 112 628 19 906 64
Akershus 2 1 50 4 2 1 1 50
Hedmark 89 28 31 90 26 16 10 29
Oppland 471 147 31 472 170 118 52 36
Buskerud 392 95 24 394 111 68 43 28
Vestfold 92 20 22 95 22 13 9 23
Telemark 418 88 21 458 101 66 35 22
Aust-Agder 170 36 21 186 43 24 19 23
Vest-Agder 268 35 13 303 44 25 19 15
Rogaland 1 879 994 53 1 969 1 050 666 384 53
Hordaland 5 951 4 519 76 6 519 4 745 2 614 2 131 73
Sogn og Fjordane 11 390 8 381 74 11 858 18 132 14 482 13 650 69
Møre og Romsdal 9 845 6 019 61 10 160 6 296 3 459 2 837 62
Sør-Trøndelag 2 517 1 474 59 2 499 1 562 942 620 63
Nord-Trøndelag 459 226 49 456 230 134 96 50
1  The figures are corrected 08.03.01.

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