Red deer hunting

1   Red deer hunting, by municipalities. 2000-2001
  2000 2001
  Licences issued Animals felled Number of animals felled as per cent of licences issued Licences issued Animals felled Number of animals felled as per cent of licences issued
  Total Males Females
The whole country 35 463 22 534 64 35 810 23 574 13 287 10 287 66
Akershus 4 2 50 4 3 2 1 75
Hedmark 90 26 29 100 40 37 3 40
Oppland 472 170 36 515 202 142 60 39
Buskerud 394 111 28 449 114 79 35 25
Vestfold 95 22 23 104 16 10 6 15
Telemark 458 101 22 518 108 74 34 21
Aust-Agder 186 43 23 222 50 34 16 23
Vest-Agder 303 44 15 399 53 41 12 13
Rogaland 1 969 1 050 53 2 060 1 080 674 406 52
Hordaland 6 519 4 745 73 6 874 4 955 2 699 2 256 72
Sogn og Fjordane 11 858 8 132 69 11 358 8 235 4 574 3 661 73
Møre og Romsdal 10 160 6 296 62 10 066 6 677 3 691 2 986 66
Sør-Trøndelag 2 499 1 562 63 2 654 1 764 1 063 701 66
Nord-Trøndelag 456 230 50 487 277 167 110 57

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