Statistics Norway

Throughput of students in tertiary education

4 New entrants to tertiary education in 19871 and 19972, by parents' level of education and awarded qualification after 10 years. Absolute figures and per cent
Awarded qualification New entrants 19871
Parents' level of education
Absolute figures Per cent
Total Tertiary education, long3 Tertiary education, short4 Upper secondary education Lower secondary education Unknown Total Tertiary education, long3 Tertiary education, short4 Upper secondary education Lower secondary education Unknown
Total 28 314 3 235 5 830 12 560 3 211 3 478  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
Doctorates, Ph.D  148 40 36 39 3 30 0.5 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.9
Tertiary graduates from programs longer than 4 years 5 408 1 296 1 400 1 799  281  632 19.1 40.1 24.0 14.3 8.8 18.2
Tertiary graduates from 2-4 year programs 12 958 1 089 2 710 6 290 1 644 1 225 45.8 33.7 46.5 50.1 51.2 35.2
No awarded qualification 9 800  810 1 684 4 432 1 283 1 591 34.6 25.0 28.9 35.3 40.0 45.7
Awarded qualification New entrants 19972
Parents' level of education
Absolute figures Per cent
Total Tertiary education, long3 Tertiary education, short4 Upper secondary education Lower secondary education Unknown Total Tertiary education, long3 Tertiary education, short4 Upper secondary education Lower secondary education Unknown
Total 37 578 4 276 9 533 17 140 3 246 3 383  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
Doctorates, Ph.D  204 40 38 19 5  102 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.2 3.0
Tertiary graduates from programs longer than 4 years 6 984 1 711 2 211 1 998  182  882 18.6 40.0 23.2 11.7 5.6 26.1
Tertiary graduates from 2-4 year programs 15 600 1 176 3 682 8 077 1 520 1 145 41.5 27.5 38.6 47.1 46.8 33.8
No awarded qualification 14 790 1 349 3 602 7 046 1 539 1 254 39.4 31.5 37.8 41.1 47.4 37.1
1  New entrants from 1.10.1986 to 30.09.1987.
2  New entrants from 1.10.1996 to 30.09.1997.
3  Tertiary education longer than 4 years.
4  Tertiary education, 4 years or shorter.
Source: Education statistics, Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols